We Want to Hear From You!

Washington Township Updates its Land Use Plan
Posted on 05/22/2024

Washington Township is in the final stages of updated its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and community input has been a vital part of the process.

First, a community-wide survey was conducted over the summer to solicit feedback about a variety of zoning, development, and infrastructure topics.

Next, Washington Township held an open house in late August to gather feedback and hear directly from residents.

The items and presentations that were shared at the open house can be found below, in the document repository. 

open house

What is a Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan defines land use and development framework for various areas in the Township such as housing, transportation, and economic development.

Ultimately, all the feedback collected from residents will be used as recommendations to help guide land use policy, funding, resource decisions, and infrastructure as the Township continues updating the Comprehensive Plan.

Next Steps
Washington Township will compile a draft plan to be reviewed by the Zoning Commission on:

February 18, 2025 at 7:00pm
Washington Township Government Center
8200 McEwen Rd.

The public is invited to the review and the draft plan is available in the document repository below.

Document Repository
Washington Township Code Draft
Zoning Resolution Update Memo to Board of Trustees
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
Open House Presentation
Trustee Presentation
Good/Bad Feedback Exercise
Austin Pike Study Area 1
Austin Pike Study Area 2
Far Hills Study Area 1
Far Hills Study Area 2
State Route 725 Study Area 1
State Route 725 Study Area 2
State Route 725 Study Area 3
Land Use Map Exercise Sheets