Sports, Leagues, & Gym
Find the current open gym schedule here
At the RecPlex, we offer classes, leagues, and private lessons for a variety of sports. Our open gym times provide a chance for adults and children alike to shoot hoops, play a game of pick-up basketball or work on their techniques. Our leagues are designed so children of all abilities have the opportunity to experience the joy of recreation. Whether your child's goal is to learn a new sport, improve upon existing skills or simply have a good time, we guarantee that they will find a home here at the RecPlex.
Youth Sports Classes
Our classes teach kids the basics and offer fun activities to sharpen their skills. Depending upon the season, classes may include volleyball, Tae Kwon Do, archery, basketball and soccer. All our classes encourage fair play, family involvement and positive reinforcement. RecPlex programs and classes are inclusive and encourage children of all abilities to participate. If you need certain accommodations for your child, please call us at 937-433-0130 as we welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can best meet their needs.
Youth Sports Leagues
Our leagues are fun, recreational in nature and designed to teach the importance of team building. We offer both indoor and outdoor leagues so your child can stay active all year long. Curious about accommodations or have questions? Give us a call at 937-433-0130. We welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can best serve you and your child!
Please note that your child's age on the first day of the program is used to determine their age group. Team assignments are based on participants' time preferences and the availability of volunteer coaches.
Adult Volleyball Leagues
Our popular adult competitive co-ed sixes volleyball program provides healthy competition for all levels of players, from recreational through expert.
Find more information and register online, then complete a waiver form and return it to the front desk. Any team with more than half of its players verified as residents of Centerville/Washington Township receives a discounted fee at registration. Individuals without a team can have their contact information added to a list and form teams from the list of players. Please contact Dan Ruble or Kathleen Washington at 937-433-0130 so be added to the list.
Volunteer Coaches
Without volunteer coaches, our programs would not be possible. Anyone age 17 or older can volunteer to serve as a head coach of a youth team. Experience is not necessary. Requests for playing with a friend are not a guarantee unless your group provides a head coach. Please consider volunteering as we are only as successful as the volunteers who coach our teams! Complete the volunteer form.
Private Lessons
We offer private lessons for volleyball, soccer, and basketball. The cost for a one-hour private lesson is $30 for complete pass holders, $35 for residents and $45 for non-residents. To schedule your private lesson, please call 937-433-0130.